The word created to describe the behaviour foul ass people whose parents dropped them on their heads as infants. Some examples of ferrell behaviours are:
- dabbing
- mentioning fidget spinners
- lighting flares at football matches
- watching minecraft letsplay youtubers
- eating shit
- supporting melbourne victory
- generally being a wankstain
"oh jarrod did ya see that group of ferrell melbourne victory supporters over in that stand?"
" oh yeah bazza absolutely f*cking ferrell shits they are."
" fully disgusting c*nts"
An incredibly annoying girl who always speaks her mind even when people don't want to hear it. And is typically quite
promiscuous. She is also a huge alcoholic.
Man did you see Ferrell at the bar last night?
Yeah dude, she was asking any guy she met for a Cleveland steamer.
Any beer found at a party, bar, event, on the street etc. that has been partially consumed and appears to have no owner.
I'm not sure if this ferrell brewcat is safe, but i'm going to drink it anyway.