All those things that u couldnt say
u should've said ...
ll those "ILYs" lost 🌬
Weighed more like Lead
On ur Chest
What of:
my immortal soul
this eternal flame
will u remember ?
Will ur heart sing with Pain ?
- Atreyu
27 september Is the National boobs pic day. Show your boobs pic for one day only!
Oh! Guys, it's 27 September ! National boobs pic Day! Let's goooo!
The day Merve, my bestie typed without having a typo
"Its 28th december, 01:27,"
The one that is the father of someone unknown
Person 0 died in a war
person 1 normal example now has scizophrenia
person 2 person 1's friend
person 3 former neglected guy
person 4 unexistant
person 5 the popular guy of the example world
person 6 the demon of the example word
person 7 person 1's partner
person 8 omega male
person 9 the nerd
person 10 emo and person 3's friend
person 11 the sus person
Person 12 the person kicked out of the timeline
Person 13 only appeared once
Person 14 the air around them
Person 15 was just born
Person 16 person 12s twin
Person 17 wanted
Person 18 God
Person 19 devil
Person 20 murderer
Person 21 victim of Person 20
Person 22 witnessed the murder
Person 23 illusion
Person 24 species extinct
Person 25 helps person 18
Person 26 outside the universe
Person 0: dies
Person 27: good job, son.
A global diaster than happened on 6/27 in cowbelly's discord server
somesay 6/27 is the biggest disaster in history.
User1: hey dude what happened to cowbelly's server?
User2: it was 6/27!
Dzień klepania dziewczyn w dupe
Ej mordeczko dzis jest 27 września klepnij ją
On this day, a person who chooses themselves over others will begin to experience endless negative occurrences in their life. The minimal result being an envelope feeling of death from a life offering only less than great opportunities.
June 27 is the start of the death life to those who don’t help those who have asked.