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Fever Texting

A panicky, flirtatious text thread usually leading to sexting. Commonly typed in a nervous fashion out of fear of getting caught.

Look at Jimmy over there fever texting with his side chick.

by Mellie_Mazz August 17, 2016

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Hiccup Texting

Text messaging under the influence. Leads to incoherent, often regrettable, conversations.

See also: Drunk Texting

Girl: "Hey babe, how's the club?"
Guy: "hOOTT sluuuuuts errrywher!!!"
Girl: "It's over."

Guy next day: "DAMN, my hiccup texting strikes again!"

by BCoBounder November 22, 2011

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text and run

When you text, message, or IM someone, then imediatly leave the room just so you're not around to see their reply. Often involves throwing your phone and leaving, going to bug random family member, and just wasting time until you grow enough balls to see what they said.

Andrew: So i texted her saying I needed some space.
Paul: How'd she take it?
Andrew: I dont know I had totext and run so that I didnt have to deal with that shit.

by Itsatrapboom123 March 5, 2011

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blue text

When all of the text is a link to a definition on Urban Dictionary.

(Person 1 is browsing Urban Dictionary)
Person 1: Goddamnit, not another blue text submission.

by Charuzu August 3, 2021

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Nipple text

The act of texting using only one's nipples. Nipples must be small enough to hit the keys and industrious enough to know how to spell.

Girl: did you wish a headache on me because I wouldn't bring you a latte?
Boy: no, breast pain.

Girl: it didn't work, I'm still able to nipple text you.

by Cockmonkey flankers August 5, 2011

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pecker texting

When you send a random generated predictive text. Open the texting app start with a letter and peck the middle suggested word.

WTF bro, why do keep pecker texting me?

ho I am gonna go buy some milk and I'll take the rest out and get knocked off

WTF, knock it off!

by Theycallmebruce September 18, 2018

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text mileage

when you are really cheap and you never reply to texts unless its somewhat important or from the chick your trying to wheel. usually very frustrating to ones friends.

Friend 1: dude, didn't you get my text last night?

Friend 2: man my phone bill was ridiculous last month from texting jenn, so i have to really cut back to get better text mileage this month

Friend 1: Man, dump that bitch

Friend 2: ......(doesn't text back)

by rick fooey March 9, 2010

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