that on guy won always be hyping up his large cock but when the girl looks to see that cock went instinct
brad brad is succh aqdino dick
brad has a dinosaur dick
Paul the dinosaur is a nickname given to the English youtuber king bamy, his fans “the Dino squad “ often use it to annoy him on social media platforms such as instergram
Paul the dinosaur are you feeling dinotastic?
To be fucked by a strong masculine man with a penis that is large and leaves you feeling sore and ravaged.
Tyrone’s big strong dick had me feeling like a I was fucked by dinosaur the next day!
big floppy fishy that can kill you in 1 second if it sees you
he is a dinosaur tadpole
A delicious cuisine one would nosh on after school, or when you simply cannot be arsed to cook dinner.
"mum, what's for tea?"
"I'll just stick in some phat turkey dinosaurs"