The gambler type who is thrill seeking and does not care about the money.
Sean is 100% an action chaser. He throws stacks everyday, yells at the tv, but doesn’t even care about the money.
That guy is action chasing. You can just tell at the way he sits on his seat.
Ask Kyle for his bet slip. That’s an action chaser if I’ve ever seen one
The lust for action and blood when after seeing an explosion, gun fight, knife fight, or other from a movie/ show.
We just watched an action movie. As soon as the first explosion went off, Kyle got all Action Horny
My ability to do anything here is entirely contingent on a stalking apparatus in which you, Sam sedar, are an active participant.
Hym "How actionable? Really?"
It is said of the action of a woman release a single long, thick and compact turd into the toilet, as in the appearance of an anaconda.
The last pretty gal who came home did a '''anaconda action''' in the kitchen bathroom and didn't flush it... Insane.
The action hero side of Jesus.
"Action Jesus just save a baby from a crocodile and a flaming puppy, all with his handgun"
"John Mclane<Action Jesus
Action sauce: I get that we are both ready to go in our 20 year-old brains, but it’s super late, your drunk and unless you’re ready to produce action sauce, let’s table this until tomorrow.
Dude, I love you and stuffs, but it’s so late and you have to work in 4 hours. So let’s wait until you can actually produce some ‘action sauce’. My lady parts are done for today.
The art of spraying down a woman with ones semen, as defined by Kevin Hodge on Youtube
Kevin: Man, I pulled out and sprayed that slut down! I had some volcano action going on! I busted all kindzz of nuts!
Keith: Thats good man, that's real good