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Just awesome

that one dude, James

-Yo,is that James?
-omfg,yes,he's just awesome

by the gingercat October 19, 2019

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awesomely cool

way better than awesome; using awesome as a describning word

Hey im going to Mcdonalds, "awesomley cool, man"

by Justin Johnson July 27, 2003

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awesome squared

Something that is so awesome, that in order to comprehend its awesomness, you must multiply it by itself.

That explosion was awesome squared.

by Justin Thorson October 22, 2008

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awesome sauce

a thing or person with greatness overflowing; beyond great.

Your new car is awesome sauce.

by Templeton McGee July 20, 2015

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awesome juice

According to Conan O'Brian's mock Boy-Band group "Dudez A Plenti", Awesome Juice is how any babe gets awesome.

It is distilled from the naturally occurring awesomeness found in things that aren't ghey like boybands.

It is a well known fact that Librarians tend to have the highest naturally occurring amount of awesome juice of any group of people.

Howโ€™d you get so awesome, baby?

From drinking lots of awesome juice?

The awesome juice has worked, hooray

by IkeCube August 1, 2008

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Awesome alex99

He is a Youtuber who posts Halloween, amusement park and lego videos.

My favourite Youtuber is awesome alex99!

by My mom and dad are good March 4, 2021

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Awesome Fawsome

its like awesome but times ten!

(guy 1) "dude, that party last night was so cool!"
(guy 2) "yeah, it was awesome fawsome."

by library_girl November 23, 2009

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