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tight brick

This is the appropriate way to used the term "brick" in it's adj. form to describe something which is very, VERY cold.

Marcus: "Yo fool it's BRICK outside today"
Brian: "Yea man, it's TIGHT brick!"

by Travelinbeat August 6, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

brick city

Most hardcore ghetto city with all the flavors, black and white, located in Newark, New Jersey.

Hey I'm steppin' down to Brick City so I can get my ass kicked, G.

by Social Engineer August 19, 2003

274๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

brick as dick

1) An extreme version of the slang term "brick." Instead of meaning just cold, "brick as dick" means freezing.
2) An adjective used to describe something brolic.
3) An adjective used to describe something extremely hard.

Tim: I hate the winter.
John: I know, it's brick as dick out right now!

by T-Man F. November 26, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

milking bricks

the act of extracting milk from squeezing a males jewels A.K.A genitals

Fred was milking bricks down at kindergarten

by bob man November 9, 2007

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Bricked up

Cavorting a fat bone in ur britches

Uncle- dayum dat bitches ass so fat! got me all bricked up
You - โ€œbending overโ€

by Daryl Mcrockinahardbone April 2, 2022

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brick girl

A girl who is flat on both sides. As in, she has no boobs or a butt.

My friend turned into a brick girl because she never ate anything.

by KaptinKate May 4, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

mexican brick

seeded marijuana that is grown in large quantities outdoors in mexico and is very tightly compressed for mass shipments, hence the name mexican brick, it is usually thought of as real shitty dry brown weed but that is not always the case, usually it's mids sometimes a little above average mids, the good mexican brick will have a healthy green color, not too many seeds, and have noticeable orange hairs, this type of commercial outdoor weed can generally be picked up for $100 an ounce

person 1: yo man I got some dank for $50 an eighth
person 2: haha I got some mexican brick for $50 a half

by ganjaman88 January 26, 2008

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