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carpet bomb

When a female repeatedly dips her "carpet" on a defeated opponent's face, generally as a sign of disrespect or dominance. Effectively a female version of the "teabag."

As with the "V Bag" this is mostly used in the gaming community by female players who have defeated a disrespectful or arrogant opponant. A way of putting gamer jerks in their place.

After you pwn that arrogant n00b, carpet bomb him a few times before he respawns!

by the lordbaddkitty April 27, 2009

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Carpet Bagger

Someone who has alot of pubic hair and does a tea bagging like motion.

She is such a Carpet Bagger.

by SFHS Ray April 5, 2009

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Carpet Bomb

When you take a shit on a public restroom floor. similar to that of doing the "helicopter" but going number 2 instead of 1. normally the center of the room is ideal so that everyone coming into the bathroom can witness your raid on terror. or you can go for the silent approach and drop it in the stall leaving a pleasant suprise

bro 1: dude i just did a helicopter in the ampm bathroom
bro 2: fuck ya bro ill go finish it up with a carpet bomb!
bro 1: hahaha!
bro 2: hahaha!

by CgT87 June 11, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carpet Muncher

A girl who eats pussy a lesbo a girl who likes a girl

Tia: Yo i heard sammy was a carpet muncher
Lisa: Yeah she can't get enough of that carpet

by FlyNiggaTy February 19, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carpet Snake

Carpet Snake is when a girl has a landing strip and a frighteningly long and floppy clit which resembles a snake

Man! That blonde has a major carpet snake!

by OG TWIDDLEDIDDLES April 10, 2015

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carpet monster

when your carpet is so sticky dirty from beer and whatnot and you drop something on it and you can't pick it up because its stuck.

hey jen, can u pick up my dildo because the carpet monster got it!

by Anonymous April 29, 2003

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Carpet Muncher

When a homosexual male loves to eat carpets from Ikea, in an almost religious fashion

Person A "Wow, did you hear about Clum?
Person B "Yeah, it's so tragic, he's turned int a right carpet muncher other those Klara carpets from Ikea..."

by CLUM MAC'N'CHEESE April 22, 2018

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