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Coke Cheese

Slang for a nice frosty Coca-Cola. Used only in the ghettos of Andover and Newton, MA. Straight Gangsta.
When you at work and you cravin a sip of dat lean you gots ta settle for dat COKE CHEESE.

Original: Brian can I have some more coke cheese?


by JCREEP April 18, 2008

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coke party

A type of social gathering where people sit around and drink a bottle of Coke.

She went to the Coke party last night and met a cute boy.

by juxtapositive October 31, 2015

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Coke Breakfast

n. Any breakfast meal that consists entirely of coca cola in large quantities (1l of more)

(Jeff walks in to the Office at 7 Am carrying a half empty 2l coke)

Budd: "Hey jeff, you gonna kill yourself having a coke breakfast every morning"
Jeff: "I know man, but its all i got, and its an appetite suppressant"

by sie42 October 22, 2007

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Boner Coke

When someone voluntarily snorts a line of coke off an erect penis.

T:Hey remember Mickey?

J: Oh yea that dude that that babies came out of the butt?

T: Yea cause he always had a football up his.

J:Oh yea he looks like a douche on FB

T: dude owes me money man... spending it on that Boner Coke.

T: He's such a Boner Coke-head.

M: Why is everything always about my ass?! shit going in and out wtf bro!

by Shellsashala May 14, 2010

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coke butt

when you buy a 2 litre bottle of coke and you shit is like that

you have coke butt

by CTFx July 22, 2010

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Hungarian Coke

Cocaine produced from a man's nether regions. Often ingested by female users (though also enjoyed by homosexuals), by snorting through the nostril. Done in lines, similar to pop-culture cocaine. NOTE:does not cause weight loss or addiction. Often causes bad-smelling nostrils.

Noah came on the table and Katie did a Hungarian Coke Line.

by eybreezy April 7, 2009

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coke and sandals

Living the LA lifestyle through the use of cocaine and sandals

A synonym of the Los Angeles Diet

The number one way to lose weight is coke and sandals.

by Alex Kirik May 23, 2008

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