Female one who dwells around the truck and trailer park hiding in the ditch in the dark licking the chin off her face.
The obscene ways of a truck stop creature comes afar came as I was grabbing hotdogs with my buddy I squealed and she rank told that ditch cricket to kick rocks
Slang term for female genitalia of which the labia is particularly prominent, meaty, like the neck of a chicken or of a turkey.
Also see "Beef Curtains"
Looks like that cricket bat snatch was hit for six!
A fat white social justice warrior who thinks poc need her guidance
That milk cricket won't stop telling me, how if I vote differently than her I'm a race traitor.
13👍 2👎
me: shut up
her: no
me what did you say you little milk cricket ?
Someone who repeatedly attempts to start up conversation in a group chat / text / email thread, but is never responded to, as what they are saying is irrelevant to the concerns of any of the recipients.
He wouldn't be such a cricket king if he didn't feel the need to start talking about nonsense every time the group goes silent.
More commonly used as cricket is someone (usually is or is older than the legal age)who caters to pedophiles by acting like a child and usually does so by fetishize and infantilize east Asian culture I.e uses it as an aesthetic
*sees a video of a grown adult acting like a child*
F*cking cricket (or) ew map cricket
A type of lice that you can get in your crouch. They jump and chatter just like there cousins the cricket
i shitted on a port a potty now i got crouch crickets