Source Code

crossing over

When genes croos over from.. UGH YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!

homoglobous chromosomes cross over

by AbsoluteR February 15, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross country

1. A sport that requires a lot of running.

2. Something mexicans are good at.

1. Cross country is too difficult for me.

2. Person 1: Did you see that guy run that marathon?
person 2: Yeah, but I don't think he's from this country.

by cacapoopoopeepeeshire January 13, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really technical shit describing a draft or ventilation on or in the 4th dimension. Science people classify it along with infinity.

After baking brownies the room sure needed cross-ventilation while my pants needed washing.

by Col. Klux September 26, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross to bear

1.Someone who purposely or indirectly takes on a label and or situation as a means to look for sympathy,justify, and or clarify their position on a issue.

2. A situation in which you feel pressure, yet it is not your responsibility to take on the baggage associated with the situation.

Ex. jesus died for our sins aka was nailed to a cross...his "cross to bear"

Racist cunt: Black people commit all the crime, they have ruined america!

Tra: Fuck you! Everyone is a individual, i'm not here to appease you over this, this issue isnt my cross to bear i'm not representative of every black. We aren't all the same asswipe!
Girl: omg...i dont want her to hate me...the guy she likes likes me and i like him also...

Guy: so what! so he likes you better, his attraction to you isnt your cross to bear, she'll get over it!

by tra90813 September 14, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross the street

A caution to give someone before they make a racist, sexist or age-inappropriate joke or comment. To look both both ways before saying something that may be offensive or get you beaten up or in trouble for being a racist.

Guy1: "So a Jew, a Black guy and a Hispanic walk into a bar..."
Guy2: "What the hell are you doing? Did you cross the street first?"
Guy1: "Oh sorry. I think we're good"
Guy2: "Thank you. Now proceed with your racism."

by calvinke June 2, 2010

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crossing the bridge

A way to describe how high an individual is or will be after smoking weed or taking shrooms and or acid.

1) Dude, I've smoked soo much I feel like I'm crossing the bridge man.
2) Man I haven't smoked in a minute, can't wait to cross the bridge tonight.

by Yaboiben September 23, 2015

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new cross

new cross is an area of south east london

new cross gate is next to new cross

by 6gk May 27, 2011

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