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boner farmer

One who constanly has a boner from the lack of sex with another person.

Id like to bang her, but Im more of a boner farmer than a pussy hound.

by the Freeman July 13, 2007

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nougat farmer

Someone with no goals or ambitions, who lives off of other people's hard work.

A loser. Short for "I don't have a job", "I don't want to work" or "The world owes me a living".

by Alex September 18, 2004

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Honey ham farmer

A honey ham farmer is one who grooms sexual relationships with the obese.

Douglas flirted and fawned over the plump until he was called the honey ham farmer.

by I, Wreckerrr October 11, 2016

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potato farmer

A person who resides at the farthest parts of eastern Long Island. Usually looks and acts like they just walked off the filming set of Deliverence. Most of the time they can't walk and chew gum at the same time and should be residents of Simple City.

There are alot of potato farmers in Stuart Florida

by buck burrmeister September 17, 2006

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Montana Bull Farmer

A modern day reference to the to the historically widespread homosexual proclivities of Montana based cattlemen and farm hands. It should be noted that the origins of the title seem to have originated in southwestern Montana, where cities like Bozeman, Helena and Butte have population density rates of homosexual cattlemen far exceeding the national average. It is rumored that the popular film "Brokeback Mountain" was based out of the foothills of the Custer Gallatin National Forest.

"Bro, did you hear about Derek? I had him watch Bear Force 1 and he hasn't stopped talking about it since. I always knew he was a bit of a Montana Bull Farmer."

by Kneel_Zaddy June 28, 2020

pork farmer

A pork farmer is a person who grows pork and keeps it on their body. Possibly in preparation for harvest. Although the reason for so much fat growth is not defined here.

The reason the term is 'pork farmer' and not some other meat word (such as 'beef farmer') is because 'pork' relates to porky which can be as defined in the urban dictionary but is also related to 'porky the pig' who is a fat cartoon pig with enough human mannerisms to make him like a small fat human. Human flesh is also said to taste like pork so 'pork' is the most appropriate meat word for this term.

To recognise a 'pork farmer' is easy. You will find that this term is easily integrated into your vocabulary.

ahh, haa, look at that 'pork farmer' - do a dance for us fat boy...

by Professor of new English June 21, 2005

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Farmer and the Indians

The farmer and the Indians is a joke.
There was this farmer who was checking on his cows and he came across this Indian with one feather on his head. And the farmer asked him whats that feather for? And the Indian said me fuck one squaw.
The farmer went on a little ways and saw another Indian with two feathers on his head and he asked him what are those feathers for? And the Indian said me fuck one squaw me fuck two squaw.
Then the farmer went on a little more and sees a Indian with feathers all over his head and the farmer asked him what are all those feathers for? And he said me fuck one squaw me fuck two squaw me fuck tree me fuck rock me fuck everything. And the farmer said oh my dear! The Indian said me no fuck deer deer run too fast.

Did you hear the one about the farmer and the Indians?

by Deep blue 2012 August 22, 2009

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