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Full Plumber

When you stick you dick in a sink drain and turn on the garbage disposal leaving you with a vagina.

Yo man last night i got a FULL PLUMBER!

by GirthyMen368 June 19, 2018

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Full Lez

when a female lets her pussy-licking urge takeover her everyday life. She becomes so obsessed that she will do anything for this person including; purchasing high priced items, mentioning her name as much as possible, fufilling her every need, and of course licking on her pussy.

Example #1:

I did have someone to go to lunch with until that fucking carpet diver went Full Lez on me.

Example #2:

Bob: I can't wait to go to Vegas!

Roger: Yeah! Me too!!

Macy: Hey guys.. I can't go because Leslie called and needs me to rub her feet.

Gary: But, We are boarding our flight!!

Macy: Yeah I know sorry...

Bob: Damn!!! I hate it when she goes Full Lez!

by Mr. Sandwiches Sr. December 10, 2011

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Full English

The beautiful occasion wherein you recieve oral, vaginal, and anal sex all in the same evening. Based off of the colloquial term for "Full English Breakfast".

Guy 1 "Hey man, how did your date with Stacy go last night?"

Guy 2 "Better than expected; I took her to Denny's for a Grand Slam and ended up getting a 'Full English'!"

*High Five*

*Air Guitar*

by GhostFart, LLC May 17, 2012

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full breakfast

When having sexual intercourse a full breakfast would include vaginal, anal, oral and mastabation. (Tit wank if your lucky)

Bert: Err my miss's never shags any more only got a Bj last night! What about you Bob?

Bob: I got a full breakfast!

Bert: Lucky bugger

by tonigreen July 6, 2005

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full pull

When put a substantial piece of crack cocaine on a glass pipe and and put a full flame on it to inhale a substantial and large hit hence the Full pull.

Take a full pull off that pipe. or can I get a full pull?

by hirosfca December 9, 2007

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Full Circle

When someone you know goes through all bouts of emotion in an excessively fast amount of time towards another individual. Generally starting with anger, that quickly forms into confusion, morphing back into anger, full send regret, super saiyan full blown retard, followed by quick depression, low key acceptance, and lastly complacent happiness.

Him: yo bro, why don't you and Coty chill anymore?

Bro: cuz Coty goes full circle way too often, and it really fucks with my mood.

by Amish Stalker October 6, 2019

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the full Ledger

1. Consuming large amounts of hard alcohol, and doing pills at the same time.

2. Doing the above with the intent to commit suicide.

3. An alcoholic drink which mixes pills and alcohol.

I'm drunk already, I think I'm gonna just snort some pills and go for the full Ledger.

by YINtendo February 13, 2009

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