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King Brotha

"you are the Gabe of this team"

by Snoopy12345! January 28, 2022


Gabe hot as heck.everybody calls him daddy ,and every girl simps for him.

We love you daddy Gabe

by Yfjskv November 9, 2021


Short and hot tempered guy that usually gets made fun of for his chode.

See that guys with a short and fat penis.. that's for sure a gabe

by 6969686968 August 15, 2017


Gabe is lowkey an idiot ngl

wow look at that dummy, his name must be Gabe.

by owlwow March 15, 2020


biggest jerk you'll ever meet

gabe is a total prick

by iHateGabeSoFreakingMuch October 30, 2019


The biggest jerk ever.

Gabe is such a dick

by iHateGabeSoFreakingMuch October 30, 2019


Gabes are the greatest people ever. The bestest of friends. They care about you a lot and are good company. Super funny and crazy when they drink soda. Gabes usually are hot af And thick. They are very athletic and good athletes. Very smart and gets good grades. Tend to pull a lot of bitches and got a big pecker. Also trash at fortnite jk they’re actually pretty good.

Girl 1: woah he got a big pecker

Girl 2: he totally does
Girl 1: I bet his name is gabe

by Itakedubss37 October 16, 2018