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The Gentleman's Wheelbarrow

The sexual position that occurs when your girlfriend or a random girl is in the bathroom puking after having to much to drink. but your still having sex with her in the wheelbarrow position while holding her hair. Thus being a gentleman for holding her hair.

On Saturday, Jessica came over and she had to much to drink. She spent a lot of time in the bathroom puking but her sex drive was still crazy so I performed the Gentleman's Wheelbarrow

by DanAppleLickrTipperOswinNipper April 13, 2020

Gentleman’s Blend

The moist amalgam of sweat and crease grease that forms in the area
of the male genitalia creating what is more commonly known as ball stank.

Gentleman’s Blend is often an elusive, odiferous condition that may only reveal its presence when activated by a itch, scratch or randy activity. In other cases, such as several days or even weeks of poor hygiene, Gentleman’s Blend may in fact become extremely fragrant and permeate ball stank like a repugnant cologne.

Since her mouth continued to run incessantly with nothing but constant bitching, my last resort was to slather her upper lip with a finger full of Gentleman’s Blend which instantaneously created a much needed silence.

My fingers reeked of gentleman’s blend after scratching my nut sack.

After taking her to pound town, it was evident from the smell of her dorm room that perhaps two weeks without a shower was too much and the gentleman’s blend was ripe and almost repulsive. So I bid her good night and vacated.

by Dick Onchin April 26, 2023

Gentleman's 6ft

A term used to describe a man, often insecure about his height, who claims to be 6 feet tall despite not actually reaching this height.

John told everyone he was 6 feet tall, but when we stood back-to-back, it was clear he was more like a gentleman's 6ft.

by eraseyoursoul June 28, 2024

The Gentleman

The Gentleman is the act of coming inside a condom whilst it's in a girls mouth. You get the effects of swallow but she has no salty backwash.

I liked her enough to be the Gentleman but not enough to pull out

by Sydney Bear July 11, 2017