Source Code

Trip Support

Great deals on flights and vacations and you can book now and pay later 😏

I need a deal on some tickets I get trip support

by trip guy November 29, 2021


support is a role that no one respects but it is important YOU CAN'T CARRY WITH IT

you are support main, right ?
oh go commit suicide useless shit.

by goshomilionera January 25, 2021


Transfer to Daniel

Can repro transfer to Support

by Bullboys October 17, 2019


A word very often used by Girlfriends in regards to their Boyfriend but they are empty.

I support you

by Someone with slangs November 12, 2022


Something J Sparks never gives to his county

Man this guy can’t even get plus and dyke, some support Sparks gave.

by NKYGUY3732 June 16, 2022


It is something you probably would not get in the bot lane.

ADC: "You play Yuumi support to support me right?"
Yuumi: :3

by Nah SuS July 3, 2021


A tool that should die for control wards, cs, and adcs in particular. They should never retort or tilt for they have no soul. If they ever talk they aren't a support. They should roam, protect people, invade, share, die, engage, tank, etc.

Supports are tools.

by midlaneissuperior June 28, 2021