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When a person eases a lincoln-log up their anus, and twirls slowly.

When Jim got into the shower, he knew he was ready to be lincoln-logged.

by Larpington Haggitson February 6, 2019

Lincoln Logged

1. (verb) The act of balancing a piece of fresh fecal matter on the erect penis before and during coital entry.

Joe is a jerk, I heard he Lincoln Logged Jen last night.

by king kennedy January 5, 2008

The Old Abe Lincoln

Sloppy head in the back of a convertible.

Dude, John got so lucky last weekend! He said that Jane gave him The Old Abe Lincoln!
God, what a good time.

by someoldguyprobably June 10, 2023

Japanese Abe Lincoln

Shinzo Abe

Fought the Japanese Civil War

Gave the Japanese Gettysburg Address

Signed the Japanese Emancipation Proclamation

Freed the Japanese slaves

Was assassinated by Japanese John Wilkes Booth

At the Japanese Ford's theater

Was put on the Japanese five-dollar bill

Japanese Abe Lincoln once said, "Four score and seven Japanese years ago..."

"Of the Japanese people, By the Japanese People, For the Japanese people..."

by sean semper tyrannis July 8, 2022

Lincoln Log House

Where you stack turds vertically and horizontally to make a Lincoln log house

I just built the biggest Lincoln Log House earlier! That shit was so fun!

by Cav42 March 1, 2023


In short words, Lincoln is Hell on Earth. Lincoln is a town filled with bum ass bitches and retarded ass dudes. No one here is real and everyone only looks out for themselves. If you live here, you probably want to leave because you’re done with all this shit. The town, the people, and the environment is just so fucked up. If you plan on moving here, I assure you that you will change completely as a person in the first month or so. Whether that means becoming a hoe that send out nudes and gets exposed, or being a bitch ass nigga that can’t keep his dick in his pants so he catches an STD.

lincoln,al is the place where you can get knocked up at a Football Game.

by fakeafbit September 13, 2018

Lincoln Log

A shit so large that Abraham Lincoln could build his entire house out of it.

Dropped a fat Lincoln Log today, stank to high hell

by Garfibromyalgia May 20, 2021