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Dream Luck

Dream Luck means when somenoe is very lucky at a game, this makes reference when dream got a really lucky speedrun, because he had a mod turned on when doing the speedrun.

"That guy got Dream Luck!" "Ayo, that's dream luck"

by MajorisGuardian December 28, 2022

Dream Luck

Dream Luck can be a way of saying that someone is 'Lucky' but sometimes it's used when a 'YouTuber' is bullshiting so much that they use the word 'Dream luck' becouse there was no way for someone to be that lucky.

"Of course totaly 'dream luck' buddy. Not that you cheated"

by Someone with to much time. . December 23, 2021

jesse luck

When you have extremely bad jewish luck due to bad karma build up from Russian hackers.

"Wow did you just expose yourself? That's Jesse Luck!"

by indeluble77 November 24, 2016

Kennedy Luck

Bad Luck that extends through multiple generations

Person 1: Person 3 Got in an accident yesterday.
Person 2:Not really a surprise, his family has Kennedy Luck

by What’s your handle321 March 15, 2024

Raymond Luck

This term is used to define lucky and/or unsual events forTrulyray_plays, a roblox user, who has exceptional luck in any game he plays. This is very similar to the other definition; "Chris Luck" but not exactly on the same level. The difference between them is there skill as Trulyray_plays seems to lack in most games.

"dude i rolled an all force in 1 spin lol"
"raymond luck be like"

by curly josh July 28, 2022

Will Luck

Having little or no luck constantly.

He tried to buy tickets for the game, but he also had Will Luck.

by BruhDough February 20, 2021

S*** Outta Luck

When a request or problem is described, this phrase is used to tell the person that what they need or are requesting is simply not possible/available and probably won't be in the near future. An "urban" variation of "out of luck".

Priiz and FR33 Tha Sinner is dropping a new single, all these other rappers are “S*** Outta Luck” now.

by Blxck label November 24, 2021