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A fat lying sack of shit who likes to lick toilet seats. He is rejected by most girls except for the ones that just date to make their ex jealous. He is never going to be trustworthy and will always be prone to crying at the sight of a sheet of math homework.

Michael walked into the house for more dinner from his mom.

by AdvancedAtom June 2, 2017

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An autistic and retarded child in my school that loves lil pump and asking people for their eggrolls.

Michael: hEy CaN i HaVe Ur LeFtOvErS?
Me: Shut up Michael you gay child. You just had 4 slices of pizza.
Michael: WoW i CaNt BeLiEvE yOu. We AiNt FrIeNdS aNyMoRe.
Me: We never were, go suck a nut.

by AnimalGamer906 March 27, 2019

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cult leader

you're such a fucking Michael

by jesus2222 April 4, 2018

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A fat and ugly faggot who threatens people by trying to fart on them. He is one of the worst people on the planet. He is gay and sucks dick for 30 cents. He is 7 times above his average body weight

Son, don't turn out like that Michael over there

by Flash_O_Matic January 29, 2018

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The most bitch ass name that someone can give their child.

Damn! My newborn son looks like a little bitch! Might as well name it Michael.

by TimmusA1 February 15, 2018

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1. Defined as a hyposthenic little boy with little calves
2. Often gets mistaken with baby giraffes due to their uncanny resemblance

3. Often cannot keep up with the boys during a sesh

Michael: "I struggled to keep up with the boys last night"
Girls: *Laughing*

by Kashmoney2212 August 1, 2018

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Nobody likes him, he's annoying and Kerry hates him.

See that guy, he's called Michael and he's so weird

by XxTheTopDogxX September 26, 2017

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