Mind Advancement is defined as the collective breakthrough across four levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. To achieve a breakthrough in each level of Advancement is to attain a deeply meaningful and desired outrageous goal that was previously believed to be unattainable. Combined, one is significantly transformed and propelled towards rapid, exponential, purposeful and conscience-driven success in life. His old mental model is thus rendered obsolete, left behind and he undergoes a personal evolution towards a new and functional version. Consequently, as his emotions, habits and results advance, his lifestyle is completely changed โ all by his design.
Jane used to be burnt out, confused and overwhelmed by emotional burdens. Even though she was doing well financially, she felt empty inside. After experiencing Mind Advancement, she healed from within, put her emotional baggage down and gave her identity a complete overhaul. She was reborn into a person that was filled with gratitude, clarity and the confidence to succeed in life.
In the mini series Sherlock the character by the same name referred to his mind as a castle. a castle that he would figuratively travel through. Each room was filled with knowledge that he had stored away for him to easily relocate in a time of need.
A Mind Doublewide is the poor white trash version of that. It is a repository of usless information mainly comprised of Pro Wrestling knowledge, 1980's action movie quotes, blist actor names, ways to work over the government, and dead cats. lots of dead cats.
"how are you able to quote this movie dude? Who has even seen this man!?"
"Didn't have much to do back at the trailer park, buddy. Its all in this Mind Doublewide."
Anyone who converts or conditions others into adopting a particular mindset or reality (sometimes through will or force and can also be done for nefarious purposes)
Parents are classical mind breeders as they teach their reality to their children; that their reality is the only reality there is.
What a crush leaves in your brain, as though s/he is a spider who spindled a web around your thoughts.
"I can't stop thinking about what Brandon said to me the other day! And I keep imagining the way he smelled. He totally left me with mind spiders."
"That girl Trina from the club? Her ass is on loop in my head. Girl gave me a bad case of mind spiders."
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When a fellow chap uses his male genital organ to think, rather than his head.
"Look at you John!. She took half of your equitable estate, your kids, and the only thing she gave you is god damn squirrel AIDS, and hepatitis A through Z. Really naive!!! You should stop thinking with your mind-shaft and start using that big melon of yours!".
A mind rape is putting someone else in a mental state where they are uncomfortable, insecure, and helpless.
Boy 1: dude ur a bitch
Boy 2: well ill mind rape u
Boy 1: thats not even possible
Boy 2: well then ur stuck in an inescapable box so what-ch gina do bitch
Boy 1: IM not in a box
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box
Boy 1: no I'm not
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box
Boy 1: no I'm not
Boy 2: ur stuck in a box....