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salty mustard sandwich

When there is a three way with two guys, and one guy nuts in the girls pussy and the other guy pees in it

I had a salty mustard sandwich yesterday, and it was delightful!

by Big dick Daquan April 13, 2018


No it’s not an instrument Patrick

“Is mustard an instrument?”

by VladimirPapa June 5, 2018


A combination of the words "Muslim" and "retard".

There are currently 411 million mustards living in the Middle East.

by The Great Replacement November 20, 2019


What kids and teenagers never eat or consume anymore, especially not yellow or brown mustard.

Today’s youth hates mustard, except maybe honey mustard sauce which doesn’t actually deserve to be called mustard anyway.

by Weathercaster1021 March 14, 2021


When something is good, but not great. Mild or ok.

"How was your shift?"
"Pretty mustard.

by amiblanchin August 11, 2024


Meaning “must you”. Stop what you are doing or saying. Aka condiment command.

Incessantly talking about politics, mustard.

by BarbieP June 30, 2019


Mustard is a flumbustios swedish child who spends to much money on weapons and explosives

Mustard is blowing up the hospital, again...

by Balle mannen October 6, 2022