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Riverdale and the office

the worst shows in the fucking world. if youn watch these you will have kids and they will bully you. you have dry humour and you a gay mf if you watch them

riverdale and the office

by black enslaver 69 January 28, 2020

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Office Depot

Office Depot is a boring store that sells boring products for boring workplaces. Once in awhile, you might find some sales reps with "interesting" personalities.

I dare you to go into Office Depot dressed as a Jedi Knight.

by Simmaniac January 20, 2021

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Office We

When your boss uses the term "we", but he/she really means "you".

Boss John: Jim, sales were down last quarter. What are we doing about this?!

Jim: Great use of the "office we" John. Well, I'm not sure what YOU'RE doing about it, but I'M firing half our sales force.

by tommyg123 October 26, 2010

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Imperial Officer

A person that is a Simp for a rich person or group of rich people.

"Man have you heard that guy that's excited for the war draft, he is such an Imperial Officer."

by DR.ROCKSOS' CAT January 15, 2020

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house of office

A toilet. Archaic slang. This term is a somewhat old-fashioned one, being used by mainly English literature and History students of the pretentious type.

"George W. Bush is unfit for office, except perhaps a house of office."

by Chymo November 19, 2006

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Office Weenie

1) a "geek", 2) a person that really needs to get a life, 3) someone that regularly receives wedgies - and likes it, 4) does not enjoy spending time with persons of the opposite sex - but loves sheep

1) Given the choice of viewing a video of Pamela Anderson or a Bill Gates lecture, Office Weenies choose Bill every time
2) Office Weenies think Happy Hour is an Oprah rerun

by tsputnik2 March 30, 2010

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Officer's brat

The offspring of (a) Salvation Army officer born after the officer(s) have gone through training. Not to be confused with officer's kid.

abbreviated O.B.

"Sometimes you can be such an O.B."

"I am NOT an officer's brat! I was born AFTER my parents went to training, thank you very much!"

by placemat January 23, 2009

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