a male who only provides oral sex to a female and recieves no sexual intercourse in return
you thought i was feeling you , that nigga a munch , nigga a eater he ate it for lunch
Alexander Munch is term used for homosexuals that denies their homosexual desire. Often it refers to male homosexuality.
Some rednecks tries to Alexander Munch by being homofobic.
Something that is messed up, dinted, weird
Bro, that thing is so munched!
When a girl recieves oral sex (is ‘eaten out’). The partner is know as a ‘box-muncher’.
‘I got munched by my boyfriend last night.’
Stupid, dumb, really lame and you don’t want to do that thing
Brad: we have a test in chem today bro.
Chris: that’s pretty munched bro not gonna lie.
Brad: yeah
During group sex; each woman performs oral sex on the next woman in a consecutive manner.
Would you like to be part of a munch train with me and my friends?