This is when you are banging a girl on the beach and you pull your slong out of her, then proceed to get sand stuck to your penis. Once your penis is fully coated in a layer of course sand you then forcefully penetrate you womans anal canal whilst she remains unaware. Due to the sudden shock of a sandy peen in her butt she will thrust her head forward poking her tongue out much like an iguana's reaction when scared.
Bro I gave Sandy such a Rusty Iguana last week, she's still getting grains out as she poops.
A rusty treasure happens when your dog gets curious in the bathroom trash during shark week. And drags an old tampon all over the house.
Keep the bathroom door closed this week! I don't want to find another rusty treasure in the living room.
A sexual act where a woman lies about her menstrual status only for the partner to unexpectedly discover shocking evidence to the contrary.
I was forced to wash my bed sheets after a girl from the local watering hole pulled the rusty lyola on me.
Baby, can you please clean the sheets? You left your rusty chain on the bed!
When you shove a used tampon into a girl's ass and then proceed to make her eat it.
I wasn't fucking getting near that herpes-laden specimen, so I just gave her a rusty kebab with gloves on.
1. RustyBUTT-cheeks is when you still got poop in between your cheeks.
2. My version of rusty butt cheeks would be butt cheeks that are unused for a long time, but at one time was used lots = RustyBUTT-cheeks
3. What you call anal sex without Lube dry anal sex= RustyBUTT-cheeks
I'm going to make those rusty buttcheeks work again.
When I was walking down the road I felt something itchy, later in the bathroom when I wiped, I had rusty buttcheeks.
Babe get out your Lube, you got rusty buttcheeks
When one scrapes the rust built beneath their car and sprinkles it on the deceased corpse of there lover after masturbating on the roof
Rusty: hey how’s it goin you punk ass lil bitch.
Randy: it’s goin great. I heard your mom got a rusty randy yesterday you cow