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fuck sandwich

A three-way act of sex. It involves three people, generally involving at least two men, but can be modified so one man, or even no men need to be involved. The act takes place where one person in the middle is performing a sex act (generally) involving the two sexual areas around the hips, the genitalia and the anus. Another person attends to the anus, while the other attends to their genitalia, adding up to three total. The positioning of the trio is the origin of why this act is referred to as a "sandwich".

The main types of sexual acts that usually exist in a fuck sandwich are normally penis in anus, and penis in vagina. This is why the genders of the middle or front of the sandwich can be male or female, depending.

However, variations exist on this to allow the mouth to partake, now allowing mouth to anus, mouth to vagina, and mouth to penis. This allows a bit more flexibility in the genders of those partaking. When any of these acts are substituted in for any reason, this is referred to as a sloppy fuck sandwich, due to the positioning resulting in the trio looking less like a sandwich.

Another solution to substituting in genders is to allow one or more women to wear a strap-on during the act, or the use of a double-sided dildo, or a combination of the two. This is referred to as a plastic fuck sandwich.

Other "recipes" are allowed in this act, so long it follows the basic structure of sex acts occurring in a line similar to a sandwich.

Darren's heart was racing. In front of him was Mike, whom he was about to thrust his dick into. Behind him was Fred, who was about to fuck him from behind. He was ready to partake in this fuck sandwich.

Even though Tina only had a guy and a girl to do it with her, they could still partake in a sloppy fuck sandwich. Tina would let Eric take her from behind, while Stacy would eat out her pussy.

Three girls? Still perfect for a plastic fuck sandwich! Penny would take on a double-sided dildo with Nancy, while Wendy would eat out Penny's ass. Time for a fun night!

by 9kirby99 March 16, 2017

oyster sandwich

Female version of "tea bagging"

She gave him the ol' oyster sandwich.

by AshleyTS89 June 7, 2021


The act of hard greifing and demolishing ones opponents in Rocket League

These people are poop-sandwiching

by MrPoopyButholeFartsAlot January 3, 2021

cunt sandwich

Middle lane cunt surrounded on either side by people who know how to drive

Simon was cruising down the motorway, ahead he can see a car in the middle lane with the slow lane completely empty .He sees a silver lupo aggressively on its tail and moving towards the inside lane to undercut. So Simon had no choice but to take the outer lane and cunt sandwich the fuck outa the wanker in the middle lane .

by mattpacer May 15, 2016

Disappointment Sandwich

A sandwich made when one has nothing to make a sandwich with, but still craves a sandwich. These sandwiches often desperately consist of food items that are not usually put on sandwiches

For lunch today I had a disappointment sandwich consisting of a stale hotdog bun, leftover meatloaf, a mysteriously hidden piece of American cheese , and ketchup.

by Sorrelli April 30, 2016

sticky sandwich

push a girls pussy lips together,then start to lightly teeth them

jay: "what you do with mary last night ?"

bob: " she gave me a sticky sandwich"

by kingoftrim November 10, 2009

Cincinnati Sandwich

When a man (The filling ) lays face up on the stomach of an obese woman (The bottom bun) and another obese women lays on top of him (Top Bun) A circle of men and women surround them and proceed to "dress" the sandwich qith feces,urine,and ejaculate.

" I went to Carls party yesterday, there were tons of banging chicks, plus we did a Cincinnati Sandwich with Yolanda, and Carla !"

by WatermelonBev March 3, 2018