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a place ment for learning only to forget everything by the next year.
it also is a place where you have yo study or your parents will get mad only to fall asleap in class because you where up till 1:00 am because you didint do you home work only to get 4 hours of sleep and end up getting a C because you slept half way done

my only regret was wasteing 18 years of my life only to get a job wich does not involve anything i learnd in school

by Mguel February 25, 2016


A living hell hole where you and your friends burn.

Priest: you're going to hellwhen you die
Jimmy: School ended and hour ago

by Pepe's Child October 24, 2017


A place were they say you go to learn but actually they just get like shia lebouf. Also you cant have your phone out but all the teachers do is text while you work.

Teacher: "are you aloud to have your phone out in class?" student: "no,but i was just checking the Teacher: your talking back go to the office. School is a place of misery

by Mr.memememe April 28, 2017


Cruel, crappy

Mum, do I have to go to school? It's just 6 cruel, crappy hours of my life.

by Yolo47Man August 10, 2017


A complete waste of time when you could be at home playing and spending time with your family. And you could be getting more sleep and healthier.

Mom I wanna sleep more it’s unhealthy school is so boring

by Fm dkjfkwskxofkrjfgjgntndndmxk October 13, 2017


A place where people couldn’t be bothered to go to.

Mom: go to school
Kid: no

by <script>alert(69420)</script> February 17, 2022


The place where I'm writing this definition. Also the main nesting spot for 10 year old Furries. A hellspawn full of Edgy 12 year old kids, and young Childs.

We have to go to School today.


by Edgy child December 8, 2017