Source Code

zero one two three four five six seven eight nine

The numbers spelled out

The word “zero one two three four five six seven eight nine” is not used in a sentence. It’s used to spell out the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 instead of writing them as digits.

by bluestinger66 September 2, 2022

1👍 8👎

i'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda

Big Smokes order in: GTA San Andreas

Big smoke: “I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.”

by ChrisJerichoFozzy May 20, 2018

154👍 4👎

Block Seven

Block seven are an ultras group based in Edinburgh Scotland supporting the team Hibernian. With their theme song (Players by coi leray) they aspire to bring an electric atmosphere to Easter road. WE H8 OLLY MOONEY

UB member: Block seven are coming
Other UB member: oh no we need to run now

by Freddy heron June 13, 2024

Hello Sevens

A woke greeting for a group. If you need to look up the definition, you should feel ashamed and consider sensitivity training.

Hello Sevens, why are you looking at me like I am unexpected?

by Woke_as_a_Joke August 24, 2022

Seven Levels of Wrong

A phrase referring to the numbered levels of how fundamentally wrong a given act, person, place, item etc is. One being the lowest and Seven being a quite disgusting/horrible thing.

A man slaps a small child hard in the face. This would be a

One, or perhaps a Two at most.
The act of monging for example would fare much higher on the scale. At Level Six or Seven. From these examples you can ascertain the Range that the Seven Levels of Wrong cover.

by Gazuba January 15, 2010

Dollar General Seven

A woman who is a little better looking than the normal Dollar General patrons. She actually has all her teeth, doesn’t go out in public in her pajamas. 85% chance she’s a single mom, 50% chance she’s paying with EBT. However, would be considered a 4 in any other environment.

Stayed too long at the bar… looks like I’m taking a Dollar General Seven home.

by MrTheScrambler January 19, 2025

Seven lakh seventy two thousand

I spend time with snoop Dogg in metaverse for 5 minutes.

I did a seven lakh seventy two thousand with snoop Dogg in metaverse.

by Jenjop5839 February 14, 2025