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to be screwed on a dope deal.

"I don't feel nothin'. You been shag-bagged buddy."

by dreadsocks April 23, 2010

warmth shag

An episode of sexual activity used primarily for self-preservation in a cold climate.

John had originally planned a non-stop hike through Sweden. Unfortunately, the temperature plummeted dramatically and he was forced to stop for a quick warmth shag.

by Abanazar December 13, 2011

shagging the haggis

Having sex with sheep.

Look at Johnny out there in the field shagging the haggis. What a pervert!

by anonymous1717 October 15, 2016


When you dumped the girl/guy you are not officially in a relationship with, just fucking

Sarah: so are you going over tammys house tonight?

Grant: Nah i de-shagged that hoe, found a better bitch to plough

by simo1981 April 29, 2011

shag face

The face a boy/man makes when he is shagging his girlfriend. This can range from a straight face to a frown.

"So girl tell me about when you shagged him"
"It was so good but be kept frowning at me"
"Awww don't worry about that girl, it'll just be his shag face"

by bananacake01 March 27, 2016

Swag shag

To have sexual intercourse in a camping swag

“Oi how was your camping trip?”
“Pretty true blue just had a cheeky swag shag and ya self?”

by Swagshagger69420 March 25, 2021

Go Shag Dot

When someone in a group just isn't liked, and everyone tells them to "Go Shag Dot" when he/she speaks.

Girl (who is liked); Hey, do you all want to come to my house?
Group; Yeah, sure
Boy (who isn't liked); Then we can stay at my house?
Group; Go Shag Dot!

by GSDABADB August 24, 2008