Used as a shortened term for the word substitute.
Also used to describe a 6-12 inch sandwich.
Student: oh dude sick we have a sub today!
Customer: I will have a 12 inch meatball sub.
When somebody mentions a certain persons name with the "@" sign in front of it. Majority of the time, subs are posted on social media.
Can you stop with all the subs?
1. Subscribers (Usually on youtube onj Twitch)
2. Subscription (MMO Term) (also is resub for resubscribe)
3. Submissive
1. Yo did you see, pewdiepie gained 100M subs!
2. When does your sub run out?
2b. When are you resubbing?
3. Yeah tbh i dont have an example for this xd
Short form of the word subconscious. Often used in a similar way to "demons" as often found in rap songs
Damn my sub be telling me to pop all these percs rigth the f*** now!
A boy who has emotional problems.
Oh, he's a Sub. He doesn't get along well with women.
A sub, short for subreddit, is a common term for a sub forum at People use this short alias to refer to subs (plural) starting with "r/" just as r/pics which is a part of the URL
Join our sub! (Singular)
Are there any subs around dedicated to Asian food? (Example with plural)