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exotic beauty

A term usually applied to a woman who is regarded as beautiful, despite the fact that her looks are not typical of those considered to be beautiful in the speaker's culture. For example, a tall blue-eyed blonde woman of mixed Japanese/Caucasian heritage with otherwise Asian features would be an 'exotic beauty' in either culture. On the other hand, a woman beautiful by Thai standards would be an 'exotic beauty' in Canada, but not in Thailand.

"Norkys Batista is an exotic beauty."

by tgee1963 April 25, 2008

292πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

lateral beauty

Someone who looks attractive from the side but not from the front.

Person 1: Damn, did you see that guy? He is hot!
Person 2: Wait till you see him head-on.
Person 1: Yikes! Now that is some lateral beauty.

by Wog October 19, 2004

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Beauty and the Beast

(Idiom) as per the fairy tale, this defines a beautiful woman and a large, ugly man.

That tall guy Julia roberts was married to. See child molester

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 4, 2004

79πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Beautiful πŸ’œ

Girls who wear beanies and make you smile and who are always there for you no matter what and give you long hugs and soft kisses and fall asleep with you on FaceTime and text you even at work girls who let you lay your head on their shoulder and make your sadness disappear girls who smoke a lot of weed and are so laid back and don’t have a care in the world girls who have eyes that could light up the whole night sky and whose name usually starts with the letter J

That girl makes me smile she’s so beautiful πŸ’œ

by JohnnyXD54 June 7, 2021

Bitter Beauty

Someone who obsessively develops their physical appearance to an impossible standard of human beauty and perfection, yet remain insecure and unpleasant in their personal interactions and relationships.

This can be achieved through extreme dieting, exercise, grooming, cosmetic surgery and augmentation, dental work, material possessions, education, career success, family connections or religious convictions or anything that achieves a belief of superiority to everyone else, but remain unhappy, unfulfilled and have underdeveloped interpersonal skills.

Don't even both try talking to that guy at the gym with the killer six pack. He's just another bitter beauty too lost in the mirror to give workout tips or his phone number.

You're not even in that bitter beauty's league, dude. She'll shoot you down with a look before you even get close enough to see her eye color.

The new dance club was packed with drunken bitter beauties providing their usual false hope of getting laid that night or even a mercy date.

by Leatherlaird July 4, 2009

supernatural beauty

A person that is extremely beautiful, pretty, and hot. No one can resist them. they can seduce anyone they want. They are the definition of perfect.

Boy: Wow that girls super hot!"
His friend: "I know her beauty is like supernatural beauty ."

by Whatcha call me December 4, 2017

Beauty Mark

A small brown or black dot that can be located all over the body. Where ever this dot is located that spot is considered beautiful.

Sweeto: I recently found a beauty mark on my neck.

Vaeh: So... what does that mean?
Vaeh: OK chill.... what that neck do that makes it beautiful?

Sweeto: ... Its just pretty when I wear jewelry smh

by LoveSickSweeto May 23, 2021