The sweetest, most kind hearted person on the planet. She has a big butt and an even bigger heart. This makes her easy to take advantage of, but try not to. At first she may seem intimidating, but she truly cares for every individual and gives 100% effort into everything she does. Megan can always find a way to make you laugh and will always be there for you. She's a friend that you'll want to keep forever. Cherish the time you spend with her because you will definitely miss it when it's gone.
I wish more people were like Megan Aubrey.
A scottish lady with a really oversized Somalian forehead but white as fuck, also a very big sheep thats easily peered pressured and think smokings cool
That Megan Robb really gets on my nerves
Megan Archer is one of the baddest ratchets there is. She argues with Alexa and WINS. She is a hard core baller. In more ways than one. =0 There is one and only one of these creatures and many have and are trying to capture her for research and cloning purposes. Good luck to anyone that crosses paths with this beautiful blonde unicorn! (You're gonna need it)
I just met Megan Archer. She is real!
Cute autistic girl with a big booty and gorgeous eyes likes to play with your feelings her looks will kill so be careful 👀
She’s so breath taking she must be called Megan Morris !
a girl with one serious case of acne. (god damn is it scary) used to have a thing for some midget Filipino in the 2nd grade
I cant believe u actually have a thing for that midget ur a total Megan Wong dude
“I ain’t never seen two pretty best friends”
Well, now ya have. Julie and Megan start off as acquaintances, not very close at all, but as time slowly goes on they become better friends than most, always listening to the other’s rants/vents, talking about random stuff that comes to mind, and always being able to make the other smile.
These two have gone through a lot together, no matter what happens they will always stay side by side, and who knows, maybe a lil bit of romantic feelings may start to form between them. Let’s say they got together at some point in time, both of them would be masters at cuddling and loving on each other, and they will always wake up with happy smiles just thinking about how they have the other in their lives.
That kind of friendship is magical if you ask me.
Schoolmate 1: “Where’s Julie?”
Schoolmate 2: “With who she’s always with.”
Schoolmate 1: “With Megan?”
Schoolmate 3: “Obviously, that’s why their called ‘Megan & Julie’”
When you meet a Megan W, You will not only meet the prettiest person in the world, you will meet the kindest person ever. She will always make you laugh, and cares A TON about others. When ur feeling really down, she is the most positive person you could possibly have by your side. She allways thinks about others and never puts herself in front of others. Also she might be the most quiet person you will ever meet.
When you meet a Megan W, You will not only meet the prettiest person in the world, you will meet the kindest person ever. She will always make you laugh, and cares A TON about others. When ur feeling really down, she is the most positive person you could possibly have by your side. She allways thinks about others and never puts herself in front of others. Also she might be the most quiet person you will ever meet.