A plastic fan is someone who supports an oil team, such as PSG or Manchester City.
Jake is a plastic fan: he supports Manchester City.
A person with an unhealthy level of celebration and deference to the Uniformed services until a member of the Service contradicts any element of their previously held world view. Then the Service member is viewed as uncommitted, un-American, and not a “real” serviceman because real servicemen and women adhere to a strict world view presented to the Plastic Patriot by draft dodging actors and opportunistic politicians.
I told my uncle that the Senator talking on Fox News about going to war with China is missing a lot of non-military solutions and that plastic patriot told me I was being a snow flake that’s making the army he never served in weak and all real soldiers want to fight the Chinese
An individual whom will complain about players kneeling during the national Anthem while sitting on their sweating, couch-swallowing ass during the national Anthem when they are at home and nobody's looking.
Someone whom is insincere in their patriotic statements.
"Did you hear Billy-Bob-Carl-Danny-Frank yesterday? He kept going off about how unpatriotic and Unamerican those players were for kneeling during the national anthem, but he was sitting on his ass during it and drinking beer while wearing his baseball cap."
"Yeah, he's such a Plastic Patriot."
Elderly woman trying to look young and hip enough to be seen with her grandkids by way of plastic surgery
Stella looks so artificial anymore! That old biddy is just your typical plastic grandma...
1. referring to the actual, plastic dull knife
2. a useless trick/weapon against something more powerful/clever trick
Ex 1.
"Is that a plastic dull knife? why are you borrowing it here?"
Ex 2.
HOOOOOOOOOKAY.... Okay.... So...
Plastic Patient "I did it to feel better about myself!"
Hym "That isn't a thing! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT!? HOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MAN! I'm heated! I'm tight off of that! Ok! Ok... That isn't a thing that exists. There is no 'better about yourself' to feel. It's like Santa Claus. You're trying to find Santa Claus. No matter how much time you spend scouring the north pole, you're not going to find Santa Claus. There's no Santa Claus to find! That's what 'doing things to feel better about yourself' is like. So plastic surgery, anything like that. It isn't a thing that exists. It doesn't matter what you do. You're never going to feel better about yourself. It isn't real. It's not a thing. Stop trying to do it. It's irritating to watch."
Plastic Surgeon "You know you can make a pretty decent living as a plastic surgeon."
Hym "I'm going to murder you. I'm going to kill you and I'm not going to stop with you. I'll kill and kill and when I'm done killing all of you I'm going to train more plastic surgeons jist so I will have more plastic surgeons to kill. I won't ever stop! Train. Murder. Train. Murder. That's what my life is going to be from now on. For eternity. Because I know once I start I'll never be able to sate my thirst for surgeon blood. Aliens will pick up the radio signals we shot into space and behind them will be the screams of surgeons, echoing through the universe. 'AAAHHH!!! AAAHHH! MY FACE! MY FAAAACE! HE'S CARVING MY FAAAACE!!!' "
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