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Colloquial word used to describe someone who is so good at their craft that they cannot be from Earth. It us commonly used with athletes in GOAT conversations.

Michael Jordan is an alien. Did you see how he dominated the 1991 Finals.

by December 16, 2020


Non whites are square headed freaks that wear beanies their left wing nigger lovers that hate whites yet swim to white countries. Non whites wear socks up to their shins and sandals while giving underaged white girls facials while shaking and moaning and poo flying out their non white bum their filthy bald shit stains these non whites. Also non whites spread offensive bs online about whites but if whites done it back to non whites they would have an anger meltdown. Non whites stick their faces in the bum of Alexis Texas the pornstar while their shaking and moaning and wearing socks up to their shins and sandals. their annoying shit stains their hypocrites non whites want you to feel bad for being white something you can’t control

Aliens are non whites because they hate whites yet swim to white countries Pedophiles are non whites also non whites are over privileged freaks that get free money free housing their privileged in online moderation non whites are privileged in everything yet call whites privileged their pathetic square headed left wing nigger loving shit stains white women are privileged to not as much as them though non whites also need to take down ur post because their feelings are hurt yet they spread offensive bs about whites online their fat hairy shit stains these non whites. Non whites wear them rugby looking autism helmets.

by Nonwhitesaresquareheadedpedos February 17, 2024

14👍 1👎


people who came from outer space

Rahul ganddhi is an aliens

by big fat indian December 20, 2016


aliens ate me in the bed

alien 101

by Cory the rizzler June 12, 2024


The gays

The Aliens must be eliminated

by narkism October 13, 2020


You don't hear about a football team called the Aliens.

The last time you heard about a team called the Aliens was in a Super Nintendo game back in the early 90s.

by Solid Mantis October 20, 2020


Aliens are people which are smarter than Ratty, but dumber than Nerd. They're in the middle.

Alien: 17×3=51.

Nerd: Do you know calculus and physics?

Alien: I'm kicking your ass.

Nerd: Ahh! Run away!

Ratty: Must get swole!

Ratty: 2+2=
Ratty: *brain static.

Ratty: 5. Need wilk!

Ratty: *lift weights.

Alien: Lift weights and studies in spare time.

Alien: *Secretly uses Modafinil to get ahead in brain stuff.

Alien: *Modafinil wears off.

Alien: *Lifts weights.

Alien: I'm buff.

Ratty: I'm swole.

Nerd: *Crap! Better get ripped.

Nerd: Lifts weights. *Struggling.
Nerd: Crap! I need SARMs!

Nerd: *Getting stronger.

Ratty: *Uses Ritalin for brain stuff.

Ratty: 2+2=4. Time to get Milk.

by CynderFanclub March 29, 2024