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The person who asked.

The person who asked is a rare never seen before. It's said to be omnipotent and impossible to reach due to it's speed. Nobody knows the true answer to the person to ASKED. People have gone from universes to universes. But all failed. It seemed like nobody asked. But that was never proved. Even though the person who asked was never proved to exist. It was never proved to NOT exist. Therefore... The person who asked will never be found. It's though authorized to say that the person who asked doesn't exist even though they aren't sure.

Me: Bro who's the person who asked.
Him: Idk man but you can search if you want
Me: nah imma not waste my time

by TheGuyThatAskedIG February 22, 2023

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The Boy Who Lived

The Boy Who lived is another name of Harry Potter. He got the nickname when he became the only person to live through the killing curse at age 1.

Rita Skeeter (Hate her!) started the whole 'The Boy who lived' thing.

by HarryPotterGeek731 August 21, 2011

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A person, usually an acquaintance, who you find completely detestable. The mere mention of their name is enough to fill you with a feeling of dread, while an encounter with this person inevitably leaves a cloud of misery hanging over an otherwise pleasant day. This term is derived from a common reference to Lord Voldemort from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

"I bumped into You-Know-Who the other day...that basically ruined my week."

by Bumpalicious February 6, 2010

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Cindy Loo Who

The absolute most annoying little cunt ass hoe bag in all of Whoville. She is a penis face and no one likes her.

You're being such a Cindy Loo Who right now man.

by grinchlover December 4, 2018

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Doctor Who's Shoes

n. The title given to anyone or anything that is cool.

Tayla finished the Impossible Quiz. She is Doctor Who's Shoes.

I reccomend that you try this caramel ice cream. It's Doctor Who's Shoes.

by Full Metal Alastair July 19, 2008

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Who did it and ran

you look like shit

you like like you just did it and ran



Oh my god, that girl looks like who did it and ran

by dizzlemmeee November 4, 2008

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who's your daddy?

Something to tell a hooker in the throes of passion while slapping her ass, or your missus which would either result in increasingly intense fornication or your status changing to single.

#The more the daddy issues, the more useful the phrase.

'Who's your daddy?' said Dr. Long as he slapped Nursie on the buttocks.
'You are' says Nursie (being a pornstar with issues and all)

'Who's your daddy?' says Fred.
'He died last month asshole' Sarah says as she slams the door on her way out.

by 4733D0M2 January 8, 2012

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