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Velcro wife

A term of endearment used to describe a wifey with the tendency to ensure that constant contact with their significant other is maintained at all times, preferably in the physical sense, including but not limited to hand holding, back scratching, massaging, and other varying levels of public displays of affection, as a means of demonstrating not only affection, but also as a way of communicating to others that this is their person. Said touch and affection can be reciprocated by the significant other, but is not a necessity; however, the wifey is viewed in a positive sense through said term.

"You always want to hold my hand; you're such a cute velcro wife."

by Theoriginalvelcrowife March 31, 2016

Mates wifeing

The act of going to a company corporate event with a free bar getting really drunk and leaving the event to shag your mates wife.

I cant wait for the kick off event next week! I might even get to do some mates wifeing.

by A mates wife August 8, 2019

Renjun’s Wife

The prettiest most luckiest person in the world. Is talented, good at art, singing, dancing basically everything.

Wow you’re almost as pretty as Renjun’s Wife

by renjunnieyellow December 12, 2021


Soon-Tobe-EX Wife = Stex = Stex-Wife. It is deplorable that the English language has a well trodden word for “Soon-to-Wife i.e. Fiancé, but no word to describe the opposite i.e. Soon-Tobe-EX wife, or STEX-wife or simple Stex. It’s not the same as separated. “Stex” describes the period after separation, and prior to actual divorce.

“My Stex-Wife and I have argued about everything except the important stuff like money and child- and puppy-custody.”
“No - I cant see you tomorrow; my stex is dropping off the kids at my place.”

by Adanny100 February 26, 2023

Donkey's Wife

From the film Shrek, 'Donkey's Wife' is a phrase for when you poop and your butthole feels like fire. A reference to Donkey's Wife who is a dragon.

"My butthole feels like Donkey's Wife."

by Black Chyna🌚🍑 June 29, 2017


The wife of any man that expects to die soon i.e a final wife. (NOUN)

We asked the nursing home resident who that lady with him was he told us it was his finishing-wife

by A-1n February 22, 2020

Squad Wife

Girlfriend of a squad member who attempts to boss around the squad like a wife.

Yo man Jennie being a squad Wife.

by munch! munch! August 28, 2015