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Something that you say when you are in class, and the person in front of you hands back a piece of paper with homework, or classwork on it. When you hand it to the person behind you, instead of giving it to them, you snatch it back at the last second, and yell: "YEET."

(classmate reaches for paper) "YEET!"

by Mr.Ebola December 18, 2015

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A term used to express excitement or happiness.

After hearing that he was going to hang with his friends Daniel said β€œYEET!”

by Random Yeti January 10, 2018

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Another way to say someone is such a joke. Also a way in which to spread utter excitement. Such as getting an A on an exam that you didn’t even show up half the time.


β€œmate I just yeeted my way through this test”
β€œYour such a yeet”

by Kikybitch February 26, 2018

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Your reaction when mom buys you some fresh Crocs.

Mom: " Look honey I bought you some new crocs."

Me:" YEET! "

by LUCIFER_WILL_RISE August 7, 2018

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yeet is to throw something or get rid of some one

joe: what do you do when your girl has an unwanted pregnancy
bob: well joe there are only two options, a coat hanger abortion or just yeetus feetus delete'us

by cousin fuckin dip chewin cunt October 10, 2019

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1. Basically saying "nope.".


by AidaNope March 13, 2019

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A Meme, possibly a dead one!
Yeet means either "screw you" or "Hell No


by MI0 MI1 October 2, 2018

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