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Not a single fuck

When somebody really just...well, doesn't give a single fuck about what you say or what you do.

When someone gives absolutely zero fucks about anything, a total hardass.

Not a single fuck was given when he got shot in the leg.

When he got knocked the fuck out last night, he got back up, not a single fuck was given

by TheWarHorse100 June 29, 2019

Single mom shooting

When a male is shooting a gun incorrectly and hitting everything but the target because the Mom left Dad so the male had no father to show him how to be a man.

Look at Pookie behind the car doin a single mom shooting, popping that gun sideways over the roof without looking!!! He’s a product of a single mother.

by D worx March 8, 2023

standalone single

A song by an artist that was released as a single but never made it on to one of thier albums

Hey Jude by The Beatles is a standalone single it never appeared on any of thier studio albums

by Stand Alone Single August 25, 2023

Roulette as a single

It’s what katycats deserve from the witness era

X: Omg no one notice ya!
Me: I’m like roulette as a single

by Katy Perry stan October 22, 2018

single-celled organism

Not a dog

That bacteria is a single-celled organism

by BTRequiem April 29, 2023

a single prayer

When someone prays the phrase: "Achilles, the sound engineer, born by hand and killed by feet because he was so endowed in the trench that he was laid to rest so a female can portray the rest". to prey on people.

Person 1: Hey, do you prey on people?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Good...you are "a single prayer"

by TheZestyGave January 6, 2025

Single Men Crisis

You mean... The incels? Is that👈 THAT ☝️? The weak men? The cause of all the worlds problems? If only they were listening to you better everything would be fine? Is that what you mean?

Hym "Here we have it kiddos! This is 'How we solve the Single Men Crisis (according to the public discourse around the matter)' in several points. You ready? Ok. Here we go.
Step 1: NEVER engage with the 'Single men' publicly or directly. They are to be postured about from afar by people who are disproportionately successful in the dating market and/or women.
Step 2: The discourse should be hyper-fixated on getting men into long-term committed relationships while ignoring the fact (entirely) that the DEFAULT social interaction between women and the dating market is hook-up culture. That's the DEFAULT.(God I wish I had a way to make a diagram here.... Shit.) So, the goal is to find a way to get men to bypass (entirely) the 1st order dating pool and enter the smaller, ancillary dating pool of people seeking long-term committed relationships. Which women are not currently doing. They're not entering the ancillary dating pool until they are in their 30's and satisfied with their career. So we have to pretend this dichotomy between the 1st and 2nd order dating pools does not exist at all costs.

Step 3: We need to obfuscate the causes of disparate outcomes with abstract and sophistical vaguery. It's not 'disparities in general attractiveness, transactional interactions, and fat cocks = outcome' it's ' "The Work" = Outcome.' And if you do 'The work' you will get NOT the outcome of moving into the 1st order dating pool. You'll get a DIFFERENT outcome. You'll get into the ancillary dating pool and that will go however it happens to go.
Step 4: We really have to drive home the fact that this HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WOMEN. Women are not complicit, culpable, or even a variable in the disparities in success. If more men were like the men who are CURRENTLY disproportionately successful... Then those NEW and IMPROVED men... Would do THE OPPOSITE of what the CURRENTLY SUCCESSFUL men are doing... And have long-term relationships with the women... Because... Reasons... Pft! That's the solution to these fucking idiots! Make the bad men like the good men... And then expect the NEW good men... To do, NOT what the current good men are doing, but rather, something else entirely. That's the fucking solution to the single men crisis. There you go guys. Problem solved!"

by Hym Iam October 2, 2023

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