a joke made by 2 or more people that only that group understands! even if you explain it to other people they might not find it as amusing as you would.
Person 1: "ahaha horsepower"
Person 2: "what??"
*inside joke is explained*
Person 2: I don't get it
Person 1: it's an inside joke
the thing that urban dictionary rejects. 👁👃👁
Cardi: yo these inside jokes funny af
B: wtf are the jokes?
The thing that Urban Dictionary hates and will not let you publish a definition if it includes an inside joke
I made inside jokes and Urban Dictionary got triggered
A joke that is a very bad joke to everyone except you and your ex, so you have no one to enjoy it with :(
The inside joke I had with Cheryl was quite funny. I miss Cheryl. :(
When you have so many inside jokes with someone you can't keep track
Liberty and I have so many inside jokes including "omg im so popular"i can't keep track of all of them
A quote to be used when really confused. Just like a chameleon would be confused on what color to change into if it got stuck inside a Skittles bag, you are also confused as hell. You're a loser if you say something as simple as "I'm confused"
Sarah: 2 + 2 = 5
Alexis: I'm as confused as a chameleon stuck inside a Skittles bag