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Anti Scrub

Anti Scrub means non erasable

Non rubable
Usually written on markers

This permanent marker is Anti Scrub.

by Fairy1809 November 9, 2019


When you share private or identifying information on the internet that doesn't exist

I anti-doxxed someone by sharing their name and address that was actually a fake address and/or name

by Shizuo_________ February 25, 2021


Country, person, organization or anything who opposes discontinuation of products

Cuba is an Anti-EOL country

by yugoslaviamaster65 November 8, 2019


When you glance between the fatty food and the low calorie food and take the low calorie food. But then, you end up eating the fatty food anyway.

Hmm.. Should I take the low calorie food or the high calorie food? I'll take the low calorie food. I'll get more healthy!

One minute later.... Um, I'm hungry again. *Takes fatty food* Mmm, *mouth full* thish ish goof (good)! I'll be sure to do anti-swapatunity agian soon!

by flyingnyankitty5555 April 13, 2013

The anti-ass

A term used to describe only the best of the best, especially shovel ware

Scott: "Games that are the anti-ass"

by Garfeldi July 29, 2021


An unpredictable person that doesn't subject themself to one form of content. They pretty much feel like covering anything they want. From Let's Plays, to Animations, to music, to Vlogs, to tutorials, to tech, etc.
The only consistent thing about them is their personality. The videos tend to be more about them than the video. About 60% Them and 40% game/topic.

"My favorite anti-tubers are Supermega and Oneyplays. They always end up doing some wacky shit and skits in between their videos."

by Liltricksterkid August 20, 2020


When the destruction of property isn't that at all. Say it destroying seasonal free things like snowmen, or just misplacing people's possesions

I committed Anti-Vandalism on that snowmans face

by Erik Everhart February 4, 2009