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Arse- chewed

getting told off as in being severly told off , even being shouted at. Usually used in work situations, army and at school.

at work, "i got my arse- chewed the other night for not locking up correctly"

by Geenabee18@hotmail.com August 10, 2006

Arse Whole

An individual who never does anything half-arsed.

Phil: Terry always puts 100% into to every job.
Stu: Yep. He sure is one hell of an arse whole.

by Rex Durkin August 7, 2020

Arse gas

Cloud of fetid colon vapour usually accompanying a fart. Should be invisible - note: if it is a brown and red spray that settles on the furniture, ceiling and walls then your digestive organs have exploded out of your arse pebbledashing your mum's living room with your intestinal blood and faeces.

Tommy's forever surrounded by a cloud of arse gas the stinky fudge slumper

by kerouacfan February 21, 2011

arse sand

Arse sand is the gritty crumb like material found in the lower half of a bed, usually greater in volume from foot to mid point

Tracy couldnt sleep as arse sand kept irriratating her legs in the bed

by Chillichickadee January 29, 2017

town arse

The state that an arsecrack enters after a long night on the town.

Did you go down on that bird last night ?

-yeah, went to, but she had mad town arse

by Birchy&Mads March 23, 2021

Arse burp

General twist on the hackneyed noun 'fart'.

Oops, you'll have to forgive me; I just had a little arse burp.

by Silversausage October 6, 2010

Watery Arse

An Australian term that refers to ones inability to harden up.

To be a "Watery Arse" is to be someone who is coward, a person lacking of something important or to be missing a sack.

Watery Ass is a way of saying that person goes to water and is an Australian Insult.

Example 1:
Robbo: 'Do you know if Stevo ask Beryl out?"
Jono: 'Nah mate, hes a watery arse!"

Example 2:
Group *singing*: 'Shot, Shot, Shot, Shot...'
Bloke: 'Nah mate, I have to drive'
Blokes Mate: 'Fucking watery arse'

Example 3:
Browny: 'Did you hear that sly c**t pinched Smithy's Mrs and legged it?'
Red: ' not suprised mate, that bloke has always been a watery arse'

by Jaanaism March 16, 2018