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Killer Boots

An extremely positive and happy term describing an extremely positive and happy aspect of a certain event pertaining positivity and happiness the the atmosphere. Often has to do with fluffy bunnies and the musical stylings of the metal genre.

Trisha: "That show was killer boots!"

by vembot919 March 23, 2010

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Gaga Boots

Women's fashion boots resembling something Lady Gaga might wear. If they are sci-fi or euro-edgy or covered with fur they could be considered Gaga boots.

That chick's Gaga boots are so swanktacular and funkelicious that even the Lady might go ga ga over them!

by Epinette November 13, 2009

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boots with the fur


This song will literally play at EVERY middle school dance

boots with the fur, the whole club was lookin at her HER

by bobbie ryan May 9, 2020

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Chewy Boots

Boots ladies wear that make them look like Chewbacca, you know the "boots with fuzz"...

Check out Sandy, wearing those crazy Chewy Boots...

by flobiejim February 13, 2015


When you stick a water bottle or other thing you drink out of in a boot and use it as an extra cup

Dammit LeRoy you don went and knocked over my Boot-cup with my Mountain Der

by MountainPeoplesofVirginia December 17, 2017

Lucky Boots

A cat above all others; supreme.
The sexiest cat in all of history.
A Lucky Boots usually is very independent, but loves to cuddle, and be held. An LB doesn't take crap from other cats.

Mm Hm. Look at that cat. That is definitely a Lucky Boots.

by RockinHotty September 18, 2008

fag boots

White rubber boots worn by fishermen (especially shrimpers) in Southern United States. Named because of a connection to percieved gayness, they are usually required utilitarian wear. Not necessarily a derogatory term to the wearer.

"Grab my fag boots, I'm about to go out in the boat.
"Look at his fag boots he must be a fisherman"

by aparttimefisherman December 6, 2013