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chunk bucket

A bucket in which you put dead people chunks in

I used a chunk bucket for all the people at that party.

by Pushyshplunk99 May 3, 2018

spewing chunks

Projectile vomiting chunks of puke

I am spewing chunks all over my toilet

by Zimbabwe March 16, 2018

punch out a chunk of rump junk

To do a shit.

Jayden ran to the ceramic throne to punch out a chunk of rump junk.

by Zonal K October 4, 2019


When you vomit inside of your mouth and swallow it back down. Usually occurs after burping a little too hard.

"Robert just chunked"

by aJanMan April 19, 2018


To take a lot of damage , either emotional,financial or physical(mostly in video games)

Arthur: James your ex just put your credit card information on twitter.You got Chunked

by ewilipsic October 4, 2022

Covid Chunk

Covid Chunk (n): the weight you gained during quarantine from the bread you been baking to keep yourself sane.

Since I've started baking bread during quarantine, my jeans are much tighter. Must be COVID chunk.

by TOTALLY_NOT_A_JADED_PERSON September 25, 2020


A person who never needs to wear pants, even during cold temperatures. Usually a larger person. Often times "leg-chunks" wear athletic shorts, or khaki shorts that cut off just above their knee.

Athletes, Jock girls, and a lot of soccer players are "leg-chunks." They never wear pants.

by The Bizz November 27, 2007