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Perfect couple

A relationship between two people (like Anya and Jevro), that is amazing and just perfection (like Anya and Jevro).

3 meals a day? More like 3 fucks a day, those are perfect couple goals!

by Janya shipper March 16, 2021

Perfect couple

Ami and grace

Ami and grace are the perfect couple 😍😍

by lol ur mum December 20, 2021

Perfect couple

Literally Vivi amd Em

Vivi and Em are the perfect couple

by Taina 12305 November 22, 2021

Perfect couple

Em and vivi

Em and vivi are the perfect couple

by Taina 12305 November 22, 2021

Perfect couple

Me and you<3

Me and you are a perfect couple.❤️

by KirbySupremacy November 4, 2022

Couple Nudes Day

April 22 is the day when couples send nudes to their partner out of passion and love for one another

Happy couple nudes day on april 22

by gokudime April 22, 2019

Coupled Media

The secret connection or coupling of a media outlet to a governmental body or organization. The intent is to influence the public (consumer) to react or think in a specific way desired by the governmental body or organization. Coupled Media outlets can be segmented so that only specific segments are under the control of a governmental body or organization. This definition is separate from a media outlet with an open political or opinionated leaning. Clearly marked advertisements are generally separate from the coupled media definition because they are openly marked as advertisements.

The coupled media outlet X broadcasted an approved prepackaged story ignoring the actual truth.

by WorldWantsPlastic January 9, 2018