A dildo that has been used by several or, a single person with an STD. Ruining the dildo and making it a dumpster dildo
I was looking through her drawers and I found her Dumpster Dildo.
A great underground rock band with 17 listeners per month
Person 1: what are you listening to?
Person 2: rusty dildos! Wanna hear the song?
Song: *GRUNTS*
Person 1: Why's he carrying around that murder dildo inside a 7/11?
Person 2: He must be overcompensating for something.
Someone who just walks around lookin like a ball sack
That Person is being a dildo head because she beat the meat out of your hampster
When you shit into a condom and use it as a dildo
The King Of Dildos, they have dragon dildo anal beads in there ass at all times.
"The dildo king needs you to pay your lube taxes."