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by briskmans March 17, 2021


A usually ginormous half lizard half bird animal that lived during the triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous period.
Cool facts
1. Birds are dinosaurs but dimetrodons are not
2. That means you have a dinosaur in your backyard
3. Most meat eaters were covered in feathers
4. T rex actually lived in cretaceous period jurassic park got it correct
5. But velociraptors had long snouts and did not hunt in packs they looked like eagles and jurassic park got that incorrect
6. The biggest dinosaur is the titanosaurus not argentinasaurus
7. The biggest one was the size of 2 living rooms but smallest one is as small as a chicken
8. The smartest one is actually very very very very very very smart like a bear and the dumbest one was like a maniac
9. smartest one is troodon dumbest one is stegasaurus
10. velociraptor is the fastest for it's size

Me: I C a dino on the tree
Weirdo: RU insane your an id**t
Me: Birds are dinosaurs your dumb

by laser_fox March 11, 2021


A bird stuck in the Bermuda Triangle

I watch Jurrasic Park it has dinosaurs

by laser_fox March 10, 2021


Dinosaurs are the best thing in the world! Yall say they are dead! well hey guess what!!! They arent! Cuz they will never be dead!!!!!

Teacher: Dinosaurs roamed the earth hundereds of years ago. Until one day the astroid hit and all dinosaurs died!
Me: Hey teacher!
Teacher: What?
Me: Did you go to collage?

Teacher: Yes, now what is your point!
Me: If you went to collage you would know that dinosaurs are still alive and they will be forever so better go back to school and re-learn if you actually want to be smart
Kids in my class: Ayyyyy Teach u just got roasted!

by Dinosaur4 April 27, 2021


a predator generally affiliated with drunkenness and hooking up on beds

elise is a dinosaur!

by little foot 1112 March 11, 2011


the best creature to ever exist

whats the best creature to ever exist?

a dinosaur.

by @AnneMarieIsQueen February 25, 2021


The coolest thing ever

Sup dinosaur

by Dinosaur ya June 8, 2021