A phrase used by a person referred to as “big bean” saying they don’t cap
Y’all heard of that street gang leader named big bean, I heard big bean dont cap
The sentence that you use when someone tells you something you don't care about
I is issing goodest player in dis game
Man dont care
A day where you dont bully claire.
Hey! Did you know its Dont Bully Claire day?
When u dont give a fuck about someone or something
Default: fucks given = 1+
When u dont give a living damn: fucks given = 0
Teacher :"That answer is wrong!"
Me:"I dont give a living damn."
When ur hella excited so u say: Yaba daba si si i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee cuz ayee oh i
No way really? Yaba daba si si i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee cuz ayee oh i
when suraj continues to eat with out any end in sight!
example of a situation where you may use "dont be a hippo". wHEN Suraj S. Grewal IS EATING.