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give it some beans

An english phrase:

An encoragement aimed to get someone to put some effort into a task.

1) Whilst watching someone trying to open a jar of branston(tm) pickle:

'Give it some beans'

2) 'How did you open that jar of delicious branston pickle?'
'I gave it some beans!'

by winkie November 25, 2004

227πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

Give me head

To suggest that somebody engages in oral sex with you - you are asking for the "head" of their penis.

You're dead, I'm well fed
Give me death or give me head

-Bang Bang, Green Day

by KaypiGames December 4, 2018

73πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

i don't give

A contraction of "I don't give a (fill in expletive here).

1: Dude, that kid was talkin some mad shit about you.
2: Man, I don't give. He's just a shit anyway.

by KRHimself September 20, 2005

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Give Way Sign

n. A male who likes to go and workout at the gym and subsequently puts on a lot of upper body bulk, however, this is at great expense of his lower body and legs which results in greatly disproportionate body development. The individual is left with massive upper body size but spindly legs.

The reference to a 'Give Way Sign' is drawn from a common traffic sign, which takes the form of 'Give Way Sign' as an inverted isosceles triangle (with the apex point facing down and the two other points on top) which sits on a very thin yellow pole.

Pictographically speaking, the two points on top represent each of his shoulders and lat muscles, but then thin out towards the apex and the thin yellow supporting pole which represent his thin legs. hence his bodily appearance being similar to that of a 'Give Way Sign'.

'Shit dave, that dudes huge!'

'Pfft, look at his legs though, total Give Way Sign.'

by baisiwen June 16, 2009

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

giving up the puss

To give up the puss- to let her man have his way with her

Dude 1 Hey Phil is going over to Phyllis’s house tonight

Dude2. Yeah he said she’s giving up the puss tonight

by Scottymac bling March 25, 2019

give up the green

To pay up. To give money in exchange for goods or services.

When we wanted the stripper to stay longer, her pimp told us to give up the green.

by MD SMooth March 6, 2008

gives good space

Gesture involving the allottment of personal freedom and individuality onto another. A coveted quality desired by one's significant other. Opposite of co-dependency.

While out drinking in a shady strip club at 4am, Dave explained to his friends that this moment was made possible by his incredible wife who gives good space.

by moreflare January 14, 2013