When two men attempt to jerk eachother off, where one man grabs the other mans penis with two hands creating a triangle shape with his arms and body and the other man only grabs with one hand. The man with two hands creates a normal jerking motion while the other only moves the penis in a swaying motion left and right creating the pendulum effect.
Tony and Dale had a pendulum jerk session yesterday after they came home from the club.
a son of a bitch ... or equivalent ... a bad person obviously
right he is a fucking jerk ... could it be the same as saying he is a motherfucker
The act of receiving a hand job from a woman that has parkensons making her hand continuously shake.
I just got a auto jerk from that old woman over there.
The urge to jerk the wheel of your car while traveling at excessive speeds due to high levels of stress or random feelings of depression.
Fuck work man, I was so close to wheel jerking on the freeway on my way home.
It's just like destroy dick December but in june. Masturbate once on the 1st. Twice on the 2nd. 3 times on the 3rd and so on
Jake: dude are you still in jerk it June?
Sam: nah dude I stopped at 5 days
Jake: bro you're weak. I'm still going at 24
When you get an ouchie on your penis and put an ice pack on it. But then your girlfriend decides to try and heal you by giving you a blowjob while your dick is ice cold, like a popsicle
Damn dude, yesterday we were going hard at it and i hurt my dick badly, and as she was putting the ice pack on she decided to give me a jerk-sicle. was the best feeling ever bro.