The act of masturbating without pornography or any other visual aids. Often used by individuals who have no access to porn or those who are still too afraid to look it up.
"Bro, I just got done jacking off but the wifi was out so I had to use The Hobo Method."
Founded by one Tyce “Carroll”, the Carroll method is a revolutionary recovery method for sicknesses of all kinds. The Carroll method involves sleeping in 5 hour bursts then waking up to drink approximately 1 liter of water or diluted gatorade. Overall the Carroll method covers the best of both worlds in rest and hydration.
“Wow, Thanks to the Carroll method I am recovering faster than ever!”
“The Carroll method allows for me to continue doing the activities I love!”
10k Method
10k Method
A scam broke boys believe in.
"Zack told me about this method, you think I should try it?"
"Bro your ever seen Zack with 10k?"
"You know what go ahead bro lol"
"You tryna do it with me?"
"Bro just stop, smh you finna go broke one day".
The application of brute force to get an object to move or to pull it out of/push it into a tight area. Also see New York method.
I've tried just about everything but a crowbar to pull this paper jam out of the printer. It looks like I'll have to use the Superman method!
The Soccer Method refers to any extreme measures taken to "wake up" a large group of people to let them know about the current situation of their country, city, and area of residence.
The government used the soccer method on the people of south korea, and now they are one of the most hardworking countries.
After thinking of a female and ejaculating, you receive post-nut clarity. This method helps to understand if you truly like a female. If you still find her attractive after beating one off, she passed the nut method.
“Did Miranda pass the nut method?”
“Yep, she’s definitely the one!”