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Morgan State

A prestigious university in Baltimore, MD. Also known as the 13th grade of Baltimore's public high schools.

Shaniqua: "Yo, where you goin' at?"

Jamal: "Riding the short bus to the the 13th grade!"

Shaniqua: "Ahh Morgan State, I got rejected there, but I'm going to BCCC..."

by shortbusshorty May 9, 2011

16πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Ruben Morgan

An annoying kid with high functioning autism, who is a attention whore

"That guy is such a Ruben Morgan"

by SirCucksAlot February 5, 2018

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Morgan Freeman

One freckly ole black man.

Oh snap, gramps look like Morgan Freeman!

by Kris Benson March 30, 2005

83πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Creamy Morgan

The art of masterbating with the use of a chocolate cake. This is done whilst thinking of Morgan Freeman and his many roles in films such as Mean Machine where he was blown up by a safe. The art of a danger wank could be incorporated into this technique which heightens the intensity of the Creamy Morgen

"Last Nite I called my mum upstairs and cracked off a creamy morgan before she got there, but later she caught me reading Ainsly Harriot pornography."

by Joe :) February 25, 2009

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Morgan Freeman

The man that, no matter what movie you see, will always be there. He is everywhere. Either narrating, acting, or just... Well, there. Has the most amazing voice along with James Earl Jones.

In simpler terms;
He's God. Literally.

Morgan Freeman is watching you read this. Don't deny it.

by That Brony Gamer Guy February 27, 2013

72πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

Captain morgan

To approach ones sexual partner from the rear position; the male takes a knee to position himself behind ones partner in a manner similar to the stance of Captain Morgan, the mascot of spiced rum.

I saw a dude this morning who always comes into the office standing at the computers like a pirate... we call him Captain Morgan!

by Surakusa April 22, 2008

23πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Morgan Simpson

A super hot fit cutie that can get any boy she wants but luckily she settled for a six inch dong belonging to a boy called Logan a Morgan is the most perfect girl in the world if you ever know a girl called Morgan you can count yourself the luckiest person in the world

morgan simpson should go out with Logan and live a happy life and have kids together β™ΎπŸ’πŸŒ

by Hshsjjdgd November 16, 2019